Corporate Social Responsibility

Beranda / CSR / Damai Putra Peduli: Educating Against Violence and Promiscuity Socialization in Schools

Damai Putra Peduli: Educating Against Violence and Promiscuity Socialization in Schools

Wednesday, June 21 2023

Damai Putra Group held a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program in the Tera Damai area, Sriamur District, North Tambun Regency, Bekasi. The program, themed "Damai Putra Peduli: Educating Against Violence and Promiscuity in Schools," was a collaboration between the Damai Putra Group and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI). The CSR program aligns with Damai Putra Group's core value of "people" and its mission to contribute to building a better Indonesia. The program, which took place at SMPN 1 Tambun Utara on June 21, 2023, aimed to educate students on the dangers of violence and promiscuity socialization. The program was delivered by Ms. Ulfa Maslahah, S.Psi, CHt, Chairperson of the KPAI Bekasi Regency. Damai Putra Group also donated to the school a sound system, fans, and dispenser. The program indicates the strong commitment of the Damai Putra Group to take an active role in fostering and improving children’s knowledge in schools around the North Tambun District. "We hope that this program will have a positive impact, especially for the students of SMPN 1 Tambun Utara, as education on violence and free socialization is crucial for creating a safe and comfortable learning environment," said Monique Hardjoko, GM Corporate Marketing Communications of Damai Putra Group.

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