Beranda / Inspirasi / Residential Security Systems: Increasing Peace of Mind in Residential Clusters

Residential Security Systems: Increasing Peace of Mind in Residential Clusters

Wednesday, November 1 2023

You are planning to buy a cluster residence, right? If so, then you need to know about the ins and outs of residential security. How is the security system in the cluster; does it already have security standard operating procedures (SOP) or not? The presence of a security system like this will certainly minimize crime around the residence. Surely your life will be more peaceful too, right? Come, let's take a look at the review of the security system in the cluster below!

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Housing Security: Top Priority

Having a residence in a safe and peaceful environment is undoubtedly a dream for many people. Nowadays, many residential areas are equipped with reliable security facilities and clear security SOPs. Security systems such as the One Gate System, CCTV, Smart Door Lock, and competent security guards have been implemented in many residential clusters.

Therefore, you don't need to worry about the security of the environment if you own a residence in a cluster. The security of residents is undoubtedly a top priority for developers and security personnel. So, you can live peacefully in a comfortable and peaceful environment with tight security.

Purpose of Residential Security SOP

What is residential security SOP? It is a standard operating procedure applied to the security department of a residential area. This SOP contains work guidelines for security officers or security personnel, including work procedures, security rules, and clear shift change schedules. The purpose of this SOP is to ensure the security of the residential area.

Considering the increasing level of crime, there is a possibility of criminal activities in a residential cluster. Therefore, before buying a residence in a cluster, make sure whether there is a security SOP or not. The tighter and more complex the security SOP, the better the security surveillance in that area.

Types of Residential Cluster Security Systems

  1. One Gate System


    What is the One Gate System? This term is used to refer to a single gate system in an area. This means that access to enter or exit the area is only through one main gate. Does this affect the level of security if applied in a residential cluster? Certainly. Moreover, there is usually a guard post at the main gate.

    The advantage of this single gate system is the presence of personnel at the main gate who will always control anyone entering or leaving the cluster area. This will minimize crime by restricting people entering the area, thus enhancing cluster security.

  2. Guest Management

    In residential areas, there is usually a guard post at the entrance. There will be security personnel or guards on duty 24 hours at this post. What is the purpose of this guard duty? In addition to monitoring guests entering and exiting the residential area, it also serves as a security and assistance center in case of emergencies.

    The guard post will primarily manage incoming guests. For certain clusters, a guestbook and visitor cards are even implemented for non-residents. By implementing guest management systems like this, the possibility of suspicious individuals entering the area is minimized.

  3. CCTV & 24-Hour Security

    The use of CCTV in residential areas has been in place for a long time. This step is taken to monitor all activities within the area. So, if there are suspicious activities or individuals, they can be immediately identified and dealt with. This minimizes criminal activities within the residential cluster.

    The presence of guard posts and security guards also proves that the security system in the cluster is very effective. This security system ensures the safety of residents 24 hours a day. If unwanted incidents occur, security guards will be happy to assist. Are you interested in living in such a secure neighborhood?

  4. Smart Door Lock

    Technological advancements also have a positive impact on improving security in residential areas. Now, advanced Smart Door Locks have emerged, eliminating the need for conventional keys. This technology-driven door lock system provides double security.

    Smart Door Locks use special sensors that can recognize fingerprints, access cards of the owner, or some even use PIN systems. Only residents have access to enter the house. Very advanced, isn't it? With a system like this, the house will have double security. Supported by many other residential security features such as CCTV and security guards, cluster residents can live peacefully.

Having a safe and peaceful residence is undoubtedly the dream of everyone, right? Residential areas offer many advantages that can be considered, including a good security system. In residential clusters, there is usually a clear security SOP. Therefore, the security of residents will be guaranteed. However, you still need to ensure this security system before buying a residence in a cluster.

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